Revolutionize Crop Spraying


High Efficiency Clean Diesel Engine

No Drift, More Complete Coverage Aerosols and Atomizers: Pesticides (Zika virus, malaria, etc.) and personal care products

No Drift, No VOC Industrial Painting and Coating

Revolutionize Nanofiber Manufacturing

(Tyvek, Gore-tex, etc.)

High Efficiency “Green” Outdoor Gear

Filtering and Recycling Used Oils

(Engines, Industrial, Transformers)

Electrostatic atomization and dispersal (ESD) were first described approximately 270 years ago. Dr. Arnold Kelly’s fundamental research has uncovered a far wider range of unique ESD capabilities than had been previously been considered possible. Dr. Kelly has a PhD in Mechanical Engineering from Cal Tech and was a full professor in Princeton’s Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering. His patented technological innovations have unlocked those capabilities and 4Ry, LLC is developing ESD’s many commercial applications.